Thursday, April 5, 2007

Bad News, Sports Fans

The notebook was purloined sometime between 2pm on April 4th and noon on April 5th. The thief absquatulated and remains on the loose. Up with this, we will not put. Unless we have to, which we might.

Worse, our feelings are hurt. Mildly. It's just hard to know why anyone would take the notebook without emailing, as per the instructions. What could have spurred such a mildly malicious act? Such a minor act of fuckery, what good does that do anybody, including the jackass himself? Like, what are you gonna do? Sell it?

The good news is that we were able to salvage some of the entries through these notes. The other good news is that the notebook only cost a cool $4, so it can be replaced. Stay tuned for version 2.0.

If you have any information on the whereabouts of the notebook, contact the nearest police station and demand they arrest the hoodla responsible.

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